BV Home Services LLC

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Home Inspections (discontinued)

(The rules make it cost prohibited to continue operations. However this page has been left to help the consumer understand the process)
Even though home inspections are not mandatory, we beleive the cost of a home inspection is worth it. This is a huge purchase (investment). Know ahead of time the condition of the property you wish to purchase. Do you really want to take a chance? Do you want unexpected repair costs? It is better to pay $400–$500 for a report you don't need, than to skip it and pay thousands of dollars in unexpected repairs.
Click here for the current InterNACHI Standards of Practice

Download a printable version of InterNACHI Standards of Performance to review.
Download a printable version of InterNACHI Life Expectancy Chart (NOT YOUR... But, your homes materials and appliances) to review.

Our Mission/Goal

Was to provide you with the most complete and comprehensive home inspection performed by a respectful and knowledgeable inspector.

The Home Inspector's job

To produce a written report of the general condition of a house and a garage at the time of the inspection, based on a limited visual examination, and using the normal operating controls of the home and home systems (EX: faucets, outlets, lights, HVAC, etc)
The home inspector will look at a house's HVAC system, interior plumbing and electrical systems, roof, attic, floors, windows and doors, foundation, basement and structural components.
The inspection is a "snapshot" of the homes condition at the time of the inspection. The inspector does NOT HAVE control over the homes condition at any point after the inspection is completed.

What is a Home Inspection. (and what is it not)

A home inspection is an objective, non-destuctive, limited visual examination of the physical structure and permanent systems (EX: built-in microwave-YES, portable microwave-NO) of a single house and attached (or one detached) garage to evaluate functionality and to identify safety issues.
Limited is defined as not requiring tools (except HVAC) or the movement of personal items (to prevent damage) to access in order to examine.
The inspection goes from the roof to the foundation, interior and exterior.**
The inspector does not:
  • move furniture or other personal items
  • cut walls open or remove finished materials such as paneling or carpeting
  • move insulation in an attic or crawl space
  • operate circuit breakers or electrical disconnects of any kind
  • open or close main water or fuel valves or plumbing fixture supply valves
Several items are NOT INCLUDED. Here is a NON-INCLUSIVE list of the most common items exempt from a home inspection.
  • Recreational features (pools, spas, workout equipt, ect)
  • Enviromental issues (mold, lead paint, radon, etc)
  • Wood destroying pests (termites, ants, etc)
  • Landscaping (including sprinker systems)
  • Septic systems
  • Wells
  • Playground equipment
  • and retaining walls
**Not applicable if there is a safety (EX: flooded areas, gas leak, electrical hazard, roof pitch, etc)
**Not applicable if there is a potential to cause damage (EX: walking on roof - condition or type of material)
Click here for the current InterNACHI Standards of Practice

Why should I get a Home Inspection?

Put simply, MONEY. Spending $300-$600 could save you thousands of dollars in repairs after closing. A roof replacement alone can cost in the tens of thousands. Could you incur that cost shortly after buying a house?

Do I Need a Home Inspection with New Construction?

Home inspections are optional. Most homeowners get them because their real estate agent recommended it. If you opt not to have a home inspection on a new property, ensure the builder provides a warranty.

What to expect prior to the inspection and preparation,

1) You will need to READ and SIGN our Pre-inspection Agreement. The agreement can be emailed and digitally signed.

Download a copy of our Pre-Insection Agreement to review.

Download a printable version of InterNACHI Standards of Performance to review.
2) In preparation of the inspection. If the house is occupied, try to make as much access for the inspection by moving as much of the furniture and belongings of of the way.
The inspector will not move personal property. If an area is unable to be inspected, it will be noted on the report and there will be a recommendation for the Buyer to check the issue in question during the final inspection, prior to closing.
3) Remove, contain and/or restrain pets and children. This is a worksite.

What to expect the day of the inspection

Inspections can take 2-5 hours. Be prepared for:
  • The inspector to arrive up to 15 minutes prior to the inspection.
  • The inspector to be focused on the job at hand.
  • The inspector need to move freely inside and outside of the house.
  • The inspector to wear proper protective gear for themself and your home.
  • The inspector to operate in such a way that the home owner would not know the inspector was ever there.

What to expect after the inspection

The inspector only provides a written opinion (report) of the overall condition of the home.
Reports should be completed within 48 hours of the inspection.
The inspector will email you an invoice for the service.
Once the invoice is paid, the report will be emailed to you and a USB Flash Drive containing all the images taken during the inspection will be postal mailed to you. These images will show the general condition of the house, not just the deficient items that were listed in the report. On average there may be between 300 and 500 additional images.


**The inspector is not an appraiser and they do not provide property value.
**The inspector does not provide estimates or recommendations to correct issues.
**The inspector does NOT determine compliance of the home with zoning ordinances or other governmental regulations.
Click here to request a Quote

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